Tales of Leadership

E23 Michael S. Seaver

Joshua K. McMillion Episode 23

Michael S. Seaver is an award-winning executive coach, leadership consultant, keynote speaker, and author. He’s on a mission to unlock human potential to help people uncover and live a more meaningful and authentic life. His unique methodology has revolutionized how leaders can live authentically and how organizations engage employees. He offers no-nonsense strategies to help people find confidence in their life’s narrative, commonalities across generations working today, and ways to communicate with emotional intelligence.

👉🏽How to Contact Him: https://michaelsseaver.com/  

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelScottSeaver 

-IG: https://www.instagram.com/michaelsseaver/  

-Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelsseaver 

-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SeaverConsulting 

-LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelsseaver  

-My coaching packages: https://michaelsseaver.as.me/schedule.php 

-My members-only newsletter: https://michaelsseaver.memberful.com/join 

👉🏽Purposeful Accountable Leaders Facebook Group: Are you looking for a community of leaders? If you are a leader at any level, join our Purposeful Accountable Leaders private Facebook Group or LinkedIn Group. We would love to have you! Our mission is to create a community that allows leaders to ask questions, celebrate wins, and share lessons learned. Be respectful, Be humble, Be present!

-Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1109880539861333

-LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12715101/

👉🏽Tales of Leadership Blog: Did you know we release a monthly leadership blog? Click the link below to see the latest blogs. Be sure to leave a comment! 


👉🏽McMillion Leadership Coaching: I help leaders discover their purpose, create a long-term growth plan, and take inspired action. I believe everything rises and falls on leadership. Regardless of where you are in life, one fact is true. You are a leader of others, your family, and most importantly yourself. To lead others well starts with yourself. Stop surviving and start thriving!

-Schedule A Call: https://www.mcmillionleadershipcoaching.com/

👉🏽Who am I: I am a father, servant leader, and combat veteran with over 16 years of leadership experience and recipient of the 2018 General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award. I currently serve as an Active Duty Army Officer and love my job! I am intensely focused on excelling as a servant leader in the Army and building more Purposeful Accountable Leaders through one-on-one Leadership coaching. 

-LinkedIn: @

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